3 HEI enhances quality and well-being

Evaluation area III assesses the functioning and development of the quality system and how the system is used in strategic management. The procedures used to support the competence development and well-being of the staff are also assessed.

Based on the audit team’s evaluation, the evaluation area III is at the level good.

The audit team identified the following as key strengths and recommendations:


  • Haaga-Helia has created a positive culture towards professional development and continuously supports the staff’s individual competence development.
  • Haaga-Helia’s management is committed to the quality system and its enhancement, and the staff is familiar with Haaga-Helia’s strategy. The students and staff are encouraged to participate in enhancing Haaga-Helia’s procedures in order to achieve its objectives.
  • Haaga-Helia has installed functioning procedures for well-being, equality and non-discrimination. Haaga-Helia makes regular personnel surveys and is open to the staff’s development ideas and proposals.


  • In order to optimize the benefits of Haaga-Helia’s quality system cycle ”Plan-Do-Check-Learn&Develop-Communicate”, the feedback procedures should be systematized and students and companies should be encouraged to give feedback more actively.
  • Communication plays an important role in Haaga-Helia’s quality system and the well-being of the staff. Hence, cooperation and communication between competence areas, responsibility areas and campuses need to be improved.
  • Haaga-Helia should encourage, motivate and enable staff members to participate in systematic training. The international teaching staff should have enough possibilities for training their English skills.