
Title of publication

Humanistisen ammattikorkeakoulun auditointi (Audit of Humak University of Applied Sciences)


Heidi Rontu, Sinikka Valtonen, Esa Viklund, Leevi Viljanen, Kirsi Mustonen & Niina Nurkka

Self-assessment of Humak University of Applied Sciences  (eds.)  Johanna Henriksson, Päivi Marjanen, Karel McLeod Smith, Jukka Määttä, Timo Parkkola & Titta Pohjanmäki

The Higher Education Evaluation Committee’s decision

The Humak University of Applied Sciences passed the audit 4 October 2024.

The Quality Label is valid until 4 October 2030.

The audit team’s evaluation of evaluation areas I-III

I: HEI creates competence: good level

II: HEI promotes impact and renewal: good level

III: HEI enhances quality and well-being: good level

HEI as a learning organisation – evaluation area chosen by Humak University of Applied Sciences

The management of a multi-location organisation

Theme and partner for benchlearning

Theme: Societal impact of RDI-activities

Partner: Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences

Key strengths and recommendations


  • Procedures related to student guidance support the smooth progress of studies. The coaching model is widely applied and provides an effective framework for learning at Humak University of Applied Sciences.
  • The operating culture of Humak University of Applied Sciences encourages staff to experiment with partners and contributes to the creation of a creative atmosphere.
  • Staff and students are highly involved in developing the operations of Humak University of Applied Sciences through various working groups.
  • Humak University of Applied Sciences has a strong value base that has been communicated throughout the organisation so that the values form a commonly adopted reference framework. The commitment of the staff and students to the values of the university of applied sciences lays the foundation for multi-location management.


  • Students should be more closely involved in developing the feedback culture of Humak University of Applied Sciences and the systematisation of the feedback process.
  • Clear and consistent procedures must be established for the management and administration of national and international networks and partnerships.
  • Responsibilities related to the development of administrative processes and operations must be clarified.
  • The fact that the campuses are located far away from each other and from regional hubs and other reference actors must be taken into account in management and cooperation. Management practices must be developed so that they more strongly support the multi-location organisation model.