3 HEI enhances quality and well-being

Evaluation area III assesses the functioning and development of the quality system and how the system is used in strategic management. The procedures used to support the competence development and well-being of staff are also assessed.

Based on the audit team’s evaluation, evaluation area III is at the level good.

The audit team identified the following strengths and recommendations:


  • The active participation of staff in quality assurance activities demonstrates a high level of commitment to further improving UVA’s activities.
  • A quality policy, Quality Management Manual and quality governance bodies are in place. Many quality enhancement activities are carried out, such as staff well-being surveys and the involvement of students and external stakeholders in development.
  • The responsibilities for developing staff competence and well-being are clearly stated in the Quality Management Manual.


  • UVA should adopt a more systemic, systematic and strategic approach to the enhancement of the quality management system.
  • UVA should build a shared understanding of the meaning of quality, set strategic quality goals and monitor progress towards them regularly. The university should also reflect on quality management and governance structures to further operationalise quality improvement measures at institutional level.
  • The development of staff competences should consider the changing and individual needs of staff. In addition, UVA should make sure that the development of staff competence aligns with the university’s strategic development priorities.