Korkeakoulun itsearviointi
Please briefly describe the procedures used by your HEI in using the quality system in strategic management. Assess the functioning of these procedures.
Use the following sub-questions in your self-assessment, as applicable:
- How is the quality system used in the management and implementation of the strategy?
- How does the HEI ensure that staff members are aware of the connection between their own work and the HEI’s strategic objectives?
Strengths |
Enhancement areas |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
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Auditointiryhmän arvio
Assess the functioning the procedures used by the HEI in using the quality system in strategic management. Focus on the strengths, good practices and enhancement areas in the assessment.
Use the following sub-questions in your assessment, as applicable:
- How is the quality system used in the management and implementation of the strategy?
- How does the HEI ensure that staff members are aware of the connection between their own work and the HEI’s strategic objectives?