1.2 The implementation of education

Auditointiryhmän arvio

Assess the functioning the procedures used by the HEI to ensure the quality of education. Focus on the strengths, good practices and enhancement areas in the the assessment.

Use the following sub-questions in the assessment, as applicable:

  • What procedures does the HEI use to ensure transparency in student selection?
  • How is the prior learning assessed and recognised (RPL)?
  • How do the selected teaching methods support target-oriented learning?
  • What concrete examples does the HEI have of encouraging students to take an active role in the learning processes? How do the students receive feedback on their learning?
  • How is the connection to working life taken into account in the implementation of education?
  • How are flexible study paths and mobility within/between HEIs enabled?
  • How are students supported at different stages of their studies? What procedures are used to intervene in the termination of studies? How does the HEI promote the well-being of students? How is the equal treatment of students guaranteed?