5 Benchlearning

Please name the evaluation area in which benchlearning is applied. Briefly describe the planning and implementation of the benchlearning process and assess the success of the process.

Use the following sub-questions in the description:

Describe the planning and implementation of the benchlearning process.

  • Briefly describe the benchlearning target and partner organisation. How were the target and partner selected? Describe the reasons for selecting this target and partner.
  • What objectives were set for the benchlearning?
  • Describe how you proceeded with the process. What was the timeline of the process and who participated in it? What tools/methods were used in the process? How was the visit organised?

Assess the implementation of the process.

  • How successful was the process? Were the objectives that were set achieved?
  • What kind of observations were made? Compare good practices at your own HEI with good practices of the partner organisation. What similarities and differences did you find? Please summarise your findings in the table below.
  • How are you planning to apply new ideas in your HEI? Please give concrete examples and summarise your findings in the table below.


Good practices of
your organisation
Good practices of the partner organisation
Please give a concrete example/examples of
how you plan to apply or have already applied
good practices of your benchlearning partner.