Procedures to ensure transparency in student selection
Admission and entry requirements and selection criteria for candidates in the case of limited enrolment are a compulsory component of every study programme. Enrolment conditions and selection criteria are defined by the ZViS, so universities have relatively little autonomy. Conditions and criteria are published in study programme information brochures and annual calls for enrolment, while information is also provided on various other occasions (open days, information days, individual consultations for candidates, etc.).
Secondary school students have access to an analysis of enrolment from previous academic years, where they can check which programmes had limited places in previous years and how many points successful candidates had. The points system is made public, and candidates can make their own calculations based on grades obtained and the possibility of enrolment in programmes with limited places.
Recognition of prior learning
Candidates’ prior learning is recognised in the context of the application and admission process. Recognition of prior learning abroad is carried out pursuant to The Act on Evaluation and Recognition of Education.
Following enrolment in a programme, prior learning is evaluated on the basis of a request from the student and recognised on the basis of proof of the type and scope of knowledge obtained. In some cases, prior learning can be recognised as an already completed unit of the study programme in which the student is enrolled.
Teaching methods that support target-oriented learning, encourage students to take an active role in the learning process and give feedback on their learning
Learning methods and assessment are defined by each course syllabus and adapted to the expected general and subject-specific competences. As well as lectures, teachers use guided discussions and encourage independent work by students, group work, practical work and the inclusion of students’ experiences in the study process. Other methods of work include laboratory experiments, learning through research, problem-based learning and project work. To a lesser extent, some teachers also use flipped learning.
In recent years teachers have been rapidly introducing new learning methods and digital technologies to their teaching, in part as a reflection of intensive training in the use of modern methods and approaches to teaching (INOVUP project, e.g. Encouraging active and self-regulated learning – more in 3.2; Digital UL Centre, e.g. The use of ICT in the learning and teaching process). Numerous examples of UL Members encouraging the active involvement of students and use of ICT are given on the website. Through projects under the umbrella of the EUTOPIA Alliance, we play a part in creating learning communities that offer a wide range of forms of learning (e.g. negotiation simulations, student-led research projects) (for more, see Chapter 5).
Knowledge is assessed on an ongoing basis or at the end, with the help of written or oral examinations, individual assignments, and complemented by feedback on knowledge with the help of various forms of student participation (e.g. discussions, tutorials, teamwork, presentations of products, individual consultations, peer learning activities).
Connection to working life in the implementation of education
The integration of theory and practice is facilitated by:
- various forms of learning and teaching (e.g. problem-based learning, project assignments);
- practical training integrated into courses or in the form of individual courses (for more, see 1.1);
- participation in research projects, artistic projects and professional projects and extracurricular studies (e.g. student innovation projects for social benefit – for more, see 2.1, promotion of international individual research projects and other examples such as moot courts with simulations of trials (Faculty of Law), idea accelerators (Garaža at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science), concerts (Academy of Music) and many more);
- visits to employers, presentations of employers and alumni career paths (for more, see Chapter 2.3);
- doctoral students carry out research at UL Members and participating research institutes and clinics. The majority are involved in programmes and projects of the Slovenian Research and Inovation Agency (ARIS), EU research projects and research projects taking place in conjunction with industry.
Flexible study paths and mobility
The flexibility of study paths is made possible in the following ways:
- At least 10% elective courses within a study programme, of which at least 5% are from outside the study programme (in bachelor’s and master’s programmes), which can also include an extracurricular studies (for more, see 1.4).
- Mobility.
- Recognition of knowledge obtained in other environments and other forms. Extension of student status for justifiable reasons in special cases.
- Adaptations for students with special needs and statuses (with regard to their learning disabilities; special exam sessions for athletes; adaptations for students with mobility impairments; extra time for examinations; etc.).
Student exchanges between universities in Slovenia are regulated by two documents: the agreement and the procedure (in Slovene). Information days and other activities are organised at UL Members in order to promote international mobility. Recognition of courses completed abroad takes place on the basis of submitted proofs and a previously signed study agreement.
Student support at different stages of their studies, promotion of the well-being of students and equal treatment
All UL Members offer a wide range of assistance and advisory services. Student affairs offices at UL Members provide general assistance and advice to students. Other free services provided include:
- Student Ombudsman’s Office and custodianship over the rights of students (promotion of principles of equality and inclusion, protection of dignity, respect for and tutelage of students’ rights).
- Contact persons at all UL Members for students with special needs and special statuses offer useful information and support (funds to co-finance the purchase of equipment and devices; assistance with participation in international exchanges).
- Srčna UL campaign (financial support for students experiencing financial hardship).
- Tutelage (support with integration into studying and student life).
- UL Careers Centres and extracurricular studies (activities to develop competences not directly included in the study process).
- Careers advice for students.
- Psychosocial Counselling Service for students and staff.
- Study corners and introduction of learning ergonomics to the study process via development measures.
Completing study programmes
Conditions for the completion of studies are a mandatory component of a study programme required by the ZViS, which also sets out the manner of completion of studies for each individual cycle, where a final written thesis is envisaged for master and doctoral programmes but is not compulsory for bachelor programmes. The method of completion is evaluated with ECTS credits. In programmes where a final thesis is envisaged as the completion of studies, this is regulated at UL Members by rules defining the format and length of the work, while its content is linked to advertised topics or topics selected by the student.
Strengths | Enhancement areas |
Various forms and opportunities for student and staff mobility, especially at the international level. | Improve procedures for recognition of prior learning, especially informal and non-formal learning. The issue here is mainly related to certificates, which are not always adequate. |
Transparency in the student selection and the completing study programmes. | Ensure flexible admission requirements in legislation or authorisation to higher education institutions to decide on admission requirements and the selection of candidates, regardless of the number of available places. |
Establishment of a student ombudsman office; adoption of the Gender Equality Plan (NES) to ensure the implementation of equal opportunity and inclusion principles. | Develop procedures to promote flexible study paths at the national and international levels, and an information system to facilitate the choice of electives and greater interdisciplinarity. |
A well-organised tutelage system. The Psychosocial Counselling Service for students and staff provides mental health support, which proved particularly necessary during the COVID pandemic. | Raise awareness of equality and inclusion among UL Members; encourage female students’ participation in STEAM. |
Successful integration of various different areas of activity and dissemination of results in the educational process. | Introduce new didactic approaches and knowledge facilitators. Strive for pedagogical excellence; develop new teaching and learning methods; promote student-centred learning and teaching. |