
Title of publication

Audit of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences


Eva Werner, Touko Apajalahti, Jade Brouns, Tero Janatuinen, Sirpa Moitus and Hanna Väätäinen. Self-evaluation of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences (ed.) Tarja Kettunen

The Higher Education Evaluation Committee’s decision

VAMK passed the audit on 16 June 2021.

The Quality Label is valid until 16 June 2027

The audit team’s evaluation of the evaluation areas I-III

I: HEI creates competence: good level

II: HEI promotes impact and renewal: good level

III: HEI enhances quality and well-being: good level

HEI as a learning organisation – evaluation area chosen by VAMK

Working life cooperation

Theme and partner for benchlearning

Theme: Efficient thesis writing process for timely graduation

Partner: Novia University of Applied Sciences

Key strengths and recommendations


  • VAMK has well-managed and comprehensive processes of developing education and renewal of curricula. These processes follow a clear and well implemented planning cycle in which the participation of various stakeholders is firmly anchored.
  • VAMK is aware of the responsibility it has as an HEI for its societal impact. The aims of societal impact are strongly rooted in VAMK’s strategy and connected to regional networks, business life and regional strategies.
  • Quality policy and quality management effectively support the management of the UAS and the strategy implementation, with strategic indicators enabling diligent knowledge-based management and monitoring.
  • Working life cooperation is strongly connected to VAMK’s institutional strategy, to companies and institutions in the region. Strategic partnerships effectively capture the needs of working life and cater to the provision of qualified workforce through practice- and competence-oriented education.


  • VAMK should pay attention to ensuring more balanced learning experiences for students regarding international learning environments and integration of working life experiences into teaching of all degree programmes.
  • To magnify the societal impact of its RDI work, VAMK should explore the possibilities to build longer-term joint research programmes and platforms with its partners and to take a more proactive role in facilitating and creating RDI ecosystems.
  • Attention should be paid to staff well-being and workload management as the ambitious strategic goals especially in the field of RDI, continuous learning and internationalisation increase challenges for VAMK’s staff.
  • VAMK should further develop and expand the provision and forms of continuous learning and thus create added value for the renewal and upskilling of the labour force in the region.