
Title of publication

Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun auditointi (Audit of Oulu University of Applied Sciences)


Päivi Karttunen, Tauno Kekäle, Lauri Kujala, Tuija Vasikkaniemi, Sirpa Moitus & Marja-Liisa Saarilammi

Self-assessment of Oulu University of Applied Sciences (eds.) Sari Ahvenlampi & Pirjo Partanen

The Higher Education Evaluation Committee’s decision

Oulu University of Applied Sciences passed the audit on 14 June 2024.

The Quality Label is valid until 14 June 2030.


The audit team’s evaluation of evaluation areas I-III

I: HEI creates competence: good level

II: HEI promotes impact and renewal: good level

III: HEI enhances quality and well-being: excellent level

HEI as a learning organisation – evaluation area chosen by Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Shared Academic Affairs services within the higher education consortium to support the learner’s smooth learning path

Theme and partner for benchlearning

Theme: Häme University of Applied Sciences

Partner: Continuous learning

Key strengths and recommendations


  • The curriculum work at Oulu University of Applied Sciences is systematic and based on strategic goals and the needs of working life. The student-centred and competence-based approach to education is systematically supported by pedagogical development in cooperation with the School of Professional Teacher Education.
  • Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ extensive RDI and artistic activities respond well to the needs of the region, in line with the UAS’s strategy.
  • The quality system provides excellent support for the implementation of the objectives of the UAS’s strategic and basic mission, serving the development of both the UAS and the region. The UAS has an open, inclusive and community-based quality culture. The development of the quality system is conducted systematically and in the long term.
  • Oulu University of Applied Sciences has a strong will to develop joint education services in cooperation with the University of Oulu.


  • Oulu University of Applied Sciences should further develop the student feedback culture and ensure that students are given feedback on their learning as part of the teaching and studies. In addition, students should receive feedback on the feedback they give.
  • Oulu University of Applied Sciences needs to communicate its successes more strongly within the UAS, regionally and nationally.
  • Oulu University of Applied Sciences should continue to improve the monitoring of its strategic development goals and make the monitoring information more clearly visible, for example on the intranet.
  • Oulu University of Applied Sciences and the University of Oulu should update the Cooperation agreement on the joint education services and ensure that it is regularly updated to meet changes in service needs.