
Title of publication

Centria-ammattikorkeakoulun auditointi (Audit of Centria University of Applied Sciences)


Mervi Vidgrén, Perttu Jämsén, Rico Martikainen, Marjaana Mäkelä, Kirsi Mustonen & Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen. Leena Saari (ed.) Self-assessment of Centria.

The Higher Education Evaluation Committee’s decision

The audit of Centria University of Applied Sciences has been passed on May 26, 2023.

The Quality Label is valid until until May 26, 2029.

The audit team’s evaluation of the evaluation areas I-III

I: HEI creates competence: good level

II: HEI promotes impact and renewal: good level

III: HEI enhances quality and well-being: good level

HEI as a learning organisation – evaluation area chosen by Centria University of Applied Sciences

Education Export

Theme and partner for benchlearning

Theme: Knowledge-based management

Partner: Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

Key strengths and recommendations


  • At Centria University of Applied Sciences, the planning and implementation of degree education, continuous learning and RDI activities are strongly integrated into stakeholder cooperation. Versatile stakeholder cooperation supports the planning and development of degree education and continuous learning.
  • Centria University of Applied Sciences anticipates changes in the national and regional operating environment and actively influences regional development.
  • Centria University of Applied Sciences provides strong support for the personnel’s competence development, and the personnel are enthusiastic about their work.
  • Multiculturalism is a natural part of the UAS community’s operating culture at Centria University of Applied Sciences. This also supports internationalisation and education export.


  • Clear policies and procedures should be created for the identification and recognition of prior learning and providing credits for work experience.
  • Measuring societal impact is part of Centria University of Applied Sciences’ strong role in regional development. Centria should define the concepts and objectives of societal interaction and impact more clearly than at present. The introduction of a framework for evaluating societal impact is also recommended.
  • Centria University of Applied Sciences should clarify the relationship between several different strategic plans of action. This would support strategic management and clarify the personnel’s operational responsibilities relating to quality.
  • A uniform definition should be formulated for the concept of education export as part of internationalisation, it should be interpreted consistently across the UAS at large, and it should be communicated about at the UAS level.