2 HEI promotes impact and renewal

Evaluation area II assesses the procedures used to manage and improve societal engagement, strengthen the impact of the HEI’s research, development and innovation activities, and support an innovative organisational culture.

The evaluation area II as a whole is at the level good.

The audit team identified the following as the key strengths and recommendations:


  • Clear importance is attached at the university to the mission of societal engagement and impact, with good structures in place to steer the activities related to that mission.
  • There is a strong link between the strategy of the university and the organisation of research activities.
  • The university has numerous links with its environment through research, partnerships, societal activities and alumni, making it a major actor in Finnish society.


  • The societal engagement and impact and its relationship with the teaching and research missions could be more clearly defined to support high-level leadership in national development.
  • The university should manage its partnerships in a more systematised way.
  • The university should better organise the network of its alumni in support of its strategy.