The organisation and strategy of the HEI

Profile focused on business and services

Haaga-Helia is a privately owned, strongly business orientated University of Applied Sciences (UAS). Through education, research and development, we prepare professionals for business and services. We have diverse offering in education including bachelor’s and master’s degrees, specialisation programmes, vocational teacher education and open UAS education. We actively provide commercial services such as staff training, continuing education and export of education for businesses and organisations.

As one of the largest UAS in Finland we have around 11 000 students, out of which about 1100 are international. We have 700 staff members, 100 partners from Finnish business life, and 200 partner institutions abroad. We are Finland’s largest in our fields of education, which according to campuses are:

Picture 1. Haaga-Helia's fields of education according to campuses
Picture 1. Haaga-Helia’s fields of education according to campuses

Haaga-Helia is a valued partner in research, development and innovation. Our goal is to create new solutions for different phases of business. We implement RDI projects together with our partners. Our four research areas are:

Picture 2. Haaga-Helia's research areas
Picture 2. Haaga-Helia’s research areas

Our strategic objectives stem from our mission

All operations are based on innovative solutions for continuous learning and guidance, further supported by applied research creating new competences, and national and international cooperation networks. We integrate research into teaching and strive to be a HEI with strong networks in Finland and abroad, for example through our strategic alliances with 3AMK and the European University Ulysseus.

Picture 3. Haaga-Helia's strategy
Picture 3. Haaga-Helia’s strategy

Organisational structure supports key processes

Our organisation was restructured at the beginning of 2021 and is currently based on a holistic way of implementing our main processes: 1) learning and guidance, 2) research and development, and 3) societal and international impact. Competences are at the centre and through them we produce excellence in all our main processes. We aim at utilising the skills and strengths of everyone in Haaga-Helia.

Picture 4. Integrating our main processes
Picture 4. Integrating our main processes

Our highest decision-making body is the Board, which focuses on strategic issues. The operational level is led by the Management Group, consisting of the directors and vice rectors leading our areas of responsibility and chaired by the President, CEO.

Picture 5. Haaga-Helia's organisation
Picture 5. Haaga-Helia’s organisation

Contrary to the previous organisation built around degrees, most teachers now work under specific competence areas each led by a director (middle management role), reporting to the Director of Competences. Degree directors and administration work under Teaching and Learning.

Picture 6. Structure in education and research
Picture 6. Structure in education and research